Sunday, 16 February 2025

16/02 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Feeder
Session: 16/02/2025 07:45 to 10:30hrs.
Don’t remember it feeling cold like today even when the Greenham Feeder looked like this (Winter 2017/18)
Notes: It got colder as the session progressed such that we abandoned at 10:15hrs for the good of the birds and ringers. There seemed to be a few more Dunnock than usual coming to the feeder, also one or two Greenfinch. We tried a net in one of the “new” rides made by the hedge-layers, caught one of the Robins and a same day Blue Tit; might do better when it gets warmer.
Present: JL,IW,IQ,CMD.
Weather: overcast, cold, calm.
Nets: 2x6M nets, one each side of feeder, plus a 12M scrub net up from 08:00 to 10:15hrs.
Lures (Feeder):, Niger, Sunflower Hearts, Peanuts
Recaptures: (12) 
Blue Tit   ringed: 17/11/2019, 12/02/2023, 14/01/2024, 13/10/2024x2, 10/11/2024, 02/02/2025,
Great Tit ringed: 03/03/2024, 10/11/2024, 02/02/2025x2.

Sighting: Relatively few Blackbirds about. It was quiet, activity of birds and birders probably
subdued by the cold.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

11/02 Bagnor Feeder

Location: Bagnor Feeder CES visit 2024/24.08
Session: 11/02/2025 07:45 to 11:30hrs.
One of today’s Coal Tits
Notes: The final CES session (visit 2024/25.08) at this feeder.  A flock of Long-tailed Tits that came for the fat balls bolstered the few (locals?) attending the feeder. Comparison with last winters matching visit shows the lack of Blue Tits and species variety characteristic of the current winter.
Present: JL,IW.
Weather: overcast, cold, calm.
Nets: 2x6M nets, one each side of feeder up from 08:00 to 11:00hrs.
Lures (Feeder): Peanuts, Sunflower Hearts, Fat Balls.
FG =age indeterminate
Recaptures: (08)
Blue Tit   ringed: 21/11/2023, 26/01/2024,13/10/2024, 21/01/2025, 30/01/2025
Great Spotted Woodpecker ringed: 26/11/2024.
Long-tailed Tit  ringed: 07/11/2023, 20/02/2024

Sighting: Highlights the male Peregrine flying over south (my first of the year) and the flock of Siskin that we searched hoping to find a Redpoll. Otherwise much as usual plus a few flyovers.

Monday, 10 February 2025

09/02 Snelsmore Common

Location: Snelsmore Feeder CES visit 2024/24.08
Session: 09/02/2025 07:45 to 11:30hrs.
The Snelsmore Feeders in the gloom this morning 10th Feb.
Notes: The session started slowly for this feeder but numbers pickup towards the end. Comparison with last years matching visit again highlights the lower numbers of Blue Tits this winter.  
Weather: overcast, cold, calm.
Nets: 2x6M nets, one each side of feeder up from 08:00 to 11:00hrs.
Lures (Feeder): Fat Balls, Sunflower Hearts, Peanuts.

Recaptures: (22) (nest box ref CP,WH = Snelsmore Common)
Blue Tit    ringed: 19/01/2020, 02/02/2020, 10/12/2023, 04/02/2024, 03/11/2024x3, 17/11/2024x2, 15/12/2024x2, 29/12/2024, 19/01/2025, 26/01/2025.
                 pulli ringed: 14/05/2024 box CP22.
Coal Tit    ringed: 17/12/2023, 04/02/2024, 03/11/2024.
Great Tit   ringed: 17/12/2023, 03/11/2024
                pulli ringed: 24/05/2023 box WH14.
Robin      ringed: 07/01/2024

Sighting: Ian’s list, not much activity, mostly birds visiting the feeder. 

Monday, 3 February 2025

02/02 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Feeder
Session: 02/02/2025 07:45 to 11:00hrs.
Notes: The first session at this site since the 10/11/2024 mainly due to unsuitable weather at weekends. This visit also indicates that there are fewer species visiting the feeder compared to the 2023/24 winter matching visit. In particular fewer finches coming to the feeder or around this part of the common compared to recent years. From about 10:00hrs cars were entering the carpark continuously such that by around 10:30hrs our ringing station in front of the museum building was surrounded by overflow parking such that we began to pack-up early; probably in future we will finish at 10:00 hrs and may be start earlier particularly on sunny days.
Present: JL,IW,CMD.
Weather: sunny clear, cold, calm.
Nets: 2x6M nets, one each side of feeder and 2x12M scrub nets up from 08:00 to 11:00hrs.
Lures (Feeder):, Niger, Sunflower Hearts, Peanuts.
Recaptures: (13)
Blue Tit   ringed: 22/10/2023, 24/12/2023, 14/01/2024, 13/10/2024x3, 27/10/2024,
29/10/2024 (Western Enclosure)
Great Spotted Woodpecker ringed: 27/10/2024
Great Tit ringed: 13/10/2024, 27/10/2024, 10/11/2024

Sighting: Activity was poor with little flying over or about the area. The Woodlark was singing intermittently some distance away over to the southeast on the common. Not easy to hear as the Museum building fire? alarm was going continuously and has been since Xmas apparently.

Friday, 31 January 2025

30/01 Bagnor Feeder

Location: Bagnor Feeder CES2024/25.07
Session: 30/01/2025 07:45 to 11:20hrs.
Snowdrops near Bagnor
Notes: a pleasant mid-winters day with unusually for this winter a lot more Blue Tits being new birds, also some “other” species, a change from the usual Blue and Great Tits. The food uptake has dropped since the turn of the year as fewer birds visit the feeder, in previous years I have mostly topped up feeders at least three times during the week, this year twice is the norm and could probably reduce to one visit since the beginning of 2025.
Present: JL,IW.
Weather: sunny clear cold, a little warmth from the sun when it appeared over the hill, light breeze.
Nets: 2x6M nets, one each side of feeder up from 08:00 to 11:00hrs.
Lures (Feeder): Peanuts, Sunflower Hearts, Fat Balls.
FG =age indeterminate
Recaptures: (07) (nest box ref A,B,C,D,F=Mount Hill Bagnor, ref CP,WH = Snelsmore Common)
Blue Tit   ringed: 12/01/2024, 06/11/2024
               pulli ringed: 04/06/2021 box B05, 23/05/2023 box F07, 12/05/2024 box WH15.
Great Spotted Woodpecker ringed: 26/11/2024
Great Tit ringed: 06/11/2024

Sighting: Apart from the double figure Woodpigeon flock disturbed from nearby fields  and a
displaying Jackdaw flock over towards Snelsmore Common very little activity. Skylarks starting to
sing though.