Friday 3 May 2019

03/05 Update

Had a lot of distractions recently that have kept my attention elsewhere, also we are now well into the nest box checking season.
I have tried to visit the Western Enclosure at least once a week since the beginning of April but not using any lures so captures are very low as follows:
18/04 Willow Warbler 2, Blackcap 1; all new ringings
23/04 Willow Warbler 2, Blackbird 1, Robin 1, Blue Tit 1, Blackcap 1; new except the Blackbird that was ringed June 2018.
02/05 Robin 1, Whitethroat 1, Willow Warbler 3, all new except a Willow Warbler ringed on the 23/04 a long winged 72mm male.

Started checking 132 nest boxes on the 16th April and have now completed three rounds of checking. 
Occupation is as follows:
Bagnor Estate (38 boxes): Blue Tit 19, Great Tit 9, Unknown 1, Unoccupied 9
Greenham Common (32 boxes): Blue Tit 11, Great Tit 6, Nuthatch 3, Unknown 1,
 Unoccupied 11
Snelsmore Common (62 boxes): Blue Tit 25, Great Tit 22, Nuthatch 5, Unknown 7, 
Unoccupied 3
Most of the "unknown" boxes are nest that have start but not progressed to egg stage.
This year nesting appears to be about a week or so ahead of the norm, I expect to ring the bulk of the pulli in the next ten days whereas the last 10 to15 days in May is usually the peak.
So far I have ringed a nest of nine Great Tits so far. Had two definite desertions both Nuthatch. One chicks deserted at naked young stage and the other I found the female dead and wedged in the entrance hole. It was a bird ringed last October at the nearby feeder. There was mild trauma to the feathers on the back of its head so it may be that a weasel or something tried to drag it out unsuccessfully when it was on eggs and was disturbed. On the Bagnor Estate I have a box with sixteen eggs and two female Blue Tits brooding side by side.
Also doing a nest record for a Little Ringed Plover nest at Greenham Common, think there are two other pairs nesting in one of the red zones, too far away to find the nest locations. without intruding into the zone. Also have an approximate location of a Woodlark nest.

On the watching front have heard a Grasshopper Warbler briefly and Wood Warbler singing in two locations, neither stayed more than a day. Had some positive news of the Sand Martin bank where I understand at least 20 birds were taking an interest, hopefully they will stay this year. They didn't even turn up last year.

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