Wednesday 28 July 2021

28/07 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Western Enclosure Week 30
Session: 28/07/2021, 07:20 to 10:45hrs
Notes: Conditions not good with a strong breeze. One or two bounced out of the nets due to
the swirling wind. No Chiffchaff captured today.
Present: JL, IW
Weather: Cloudy, breezy, light rain late in session, cool
Nets: 48metres in 3 rides of 18M, 18M, 12M up from 07:45 to 10:30hrs
Lures Audio: Warblers, Misc Migrants, Hirundine(part), Redstart, Grasshopper Warbler(part)
Blackcap: the bird recaptured Monday 26/07/2021 that had been ringed elsewhere was
ringed on the10/07/2021 at West Down Plantation. near Tilshead, Wiltshire

Sightings 30 species: Over about 10 minutes there was a steady movement of Swifts
southwest along a rain front moving towards us from the southwest. A Kestrel flew north, the
first we have seen here for a few weeks. We flushed two Woodlark on a walk around the
enclosure, disappointingly we have not seen any family parties of the latter this end of the
common this year.

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