Sunday 30 June 2024

30/06 Thatcham Marsh LNR

Location: Thatcham March LNR CES v 2024.07.
Session: 30/06/2024 06:00 to 11:20
Notes: The weather forecast showed no rain; however as I left the house a very fine drizzle started that stopped just after I arrived as we debated if to ring or not. We decided to chance it and although there were occasion very short periods of misty drizzle we completed the session. With the reed being very wet and leaning into the ride we got a soaking doing each of the first few net rounds.  It is looking like the breeding outcome for many species will be poor this year as can be seen by comparing the number of juveniles today with those of last year’s matching visit. As there are few Reed Warblers on the reed bed this year this is not unexpected, also no Sedge Warblers were detected this session. Hopefully some late breeders or second attempts will bolster number over coming weeks.
Weather: overcast, periods of very light drizzle, calm, cool
Nets: 198metres in one reed bed ride and up from 06:30 to 10:30hrs
Lures: None
Blue Tit               ringed: 13/08/2023.
Cetti’s Warbler   ringed: 23/06/2024.
Great Tit             ringed: 09/05/2021
Reed Warbler    ringed: 11/06/2023, 06/08/2023, 04/05/2024, 11/05/2024, 01/06/2024x3.

Sighting: Cuckoos have finally gone. Very quiet due to some extent the weather. Oystercatcher
flew over a couple of times calling also a Cattle Egret. No birds of prey seen not even kites. Just the
odd Swift over. Very few insect on the wing, the fly trap had just two individuals one each side.

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