Tuesday 23 July 2024

23/07 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Western Enclosure wk30
Session: 23/07/2024 07:30 to 11:00hrs
Juvenile female Redstart
Notes: occasinally the weather was a little uncomfortable, spotting with rain and cool when you dressed for a hot day. The first bird of the session was the Redstart that went into the net just after nets up. Another one was in the bottom shelf the next net round but freed itself as I approached unfortunately. Low numbers again in comparison with last years matching visit, but a pleasant session despite the weather.
Present: JL,IW.
Weather: overcast, breezy, occasional rain spotting, cool.
Nets: 48metres 3 Rides, up from 08:00 to 10:30 hrs.

Lures audio: (Warbler), (Misc Migrants), (RT), (GH) intermittently.

Recaptures: (00) None

Sightings: IW spotted the Swifts while watching the female Sparrowhawk soaring over the trees to the southwest. We often pick up apus/hirundine when checking out soaring larger birds, so probably many pass over unnoticed. We did not detect any Blackbirds out on the heath today and the nesting Stonechat pair and fledglings look to have dispersed. The Gatekeepers were resting in gorse until we disturbed them when walking through. 

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