Wednesday 28 August 2024

28/08 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Western Enclosure wk35
Session: 28/08/2024 07:35 to 10:50hrs
Notes: After putting up the nets and returning to the ringing station we saw several Chiffchaff heading in the direction of the enclosure and but only found two in the nets on the first round. What had headed to the enclosure unseen was at least thirteen Blackcap and there was a bit of a movement on as throughout the two and a half hour session we attracted and ringed 25 individuals. I estimate that audio lures call in birds from about 500m around the enclosure; makes you wonder just how many Blackcaps were moving through the area this morning.
Present: JL,IW,IQ.
Weather: mostly overcast, calm, warm.
Nets: 48metres 3 Rides, up from 08:00 to 10:30 hrs.

Lures audio: (Warbler), (Misc Migrants), (RT), (GH) intermittently.

Recaptures: (00)

Sightings: Relatively quiet, it appears that the Linnets, Greenfinch and Goldfinch have formed flocks and mostly moved elsewhere. Similarly, the number of Jackdaw out from the bunkers is dwindling. Few insects on the wing. A dog walker asked us if we had seen any adders as they had been told a dog had died from an adder bite on the common recently.  On the way back off the common nine rooks were feeding near the control tower; these have been quite scarce here this year so far.

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