Tuesday, 7 January 2025

0701 Bagnor feeder

Location: Bagnor Feeder CES2024/25.05
Session: 07/01/2025 07:45 to 11:20hrs.
Notes: Compared to last winter’s visit 05 there are very low numbers of 1st winter Blue Tits. We discussed while ringing today and decided that there must have been a very poor post fledging survival in 2024. Possibly the newer fledge birds were not able to cope with the very unsettled and wet post May weather. 2nd winter plus birds are in good numbers, also all the pulli recaptures are 2023 fledging birds, except 0ne. The Great Spotted Woodpecker was unusually quiet, didn’t protest once during extraction or processing.
Otherwise, a typical recent times session.
Present: JL,IW.
Weather: overcast early clearing to bright sun, calm, cold.
Nets: 2x6M nets, one each side of feeder up from 08:00 to 11:00hrs
Lures (Feeder): Peanuts, Sunflower Hearts, Fat Balls, Bread.
FG =age indeterminate
Recaptures: (24) (nest box ref A,B,C,D,F=Mount Hill Bagnor, ref CP,WH = Snelsmore Common)
Blue  Tit  ringed:. 09/11/2022, 26/01/2024x2, 20/02/2024, 06/11/2024x3, 26/11/2024x2, 03/12/2024x2.
                 pulli ringed: 20/05/2023 box WH13, 24/05/2023 box CP26, 26/05/2023 box A01,
10/05/2024 box A01,
Great Tit ringed: 06/11/2024.
                pulli ringed: 30/05/2023 box F05A.
Long-tailed Tit ringed: 07/11/2023x2

We started this feeder winter 1985/86 (40years ago) and have operated it every winter since.I
thought it would be interesting to look back and see what we were catching that 1st winter
using the nearest visit date and 20 years then 10 years later. – unfortunately, there is no 1996
feeder visit available. Until winter 2006/07 just one large peanut feeder was provided topped
up twice a week sometimes in the dark early morning before work.
The earlist visit (that included a Willow Tit!) and to lesser extent the second visit show better
species diversity, the later visit is little different to todays except fewer birds

Sighting: A fleeting sighting of a Barn Owl that disappeared behind a hedge as we entered the
field.This last few days Ravens have become active after being silent for week or two. Mute Swan
and Little Egret at the village green as we left. As usual fairly quiet.

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