Tuesday, 21 January 2025

21/01 Bagnor Feeder

Location: Bagnor Feeder CES2024/25.06
Session: 21/01/2025 07:45 to 11:10hrs
This group of trees held 31 Siskin for a while  today.
Notes: A steady capture tailed off towards the end of the session - at nets down no birds. The matching visit capture perhaps illustrates the lack of 1st Winter Blue Tits this winter. So far this winter 39% of Blue Tits have been 2nd winter+(adults). The average over the 40years we have operated feeders is 26% adults - range 13% (2023/24) to 45% (2005/06). It was cold again today but not as uncomfortable as the damp mist of last Sundays session.
Present: JL,IW.
Weather: overcast early brighter later, calm, cold.
Nets: 2x6M nets, one each side of feeder up from 08:00 to 11:00hrs
Lures (Feeder): Peanuts, Sunflower Hearts, Fat Balls.
FG =age indeterminate
Recaptures: (22) (nest box ref A,B,C,D,F=Mount Hill Bagnor, ref CP,WH = Snelsmore Common)
Blue  Tit   ringed: 05/01/2022, 09/11/2022x2, 07/11/2023, 21/11/2023/ 12/01/2024, 26/01/2024x2, 20/02/2024, 06/11/2024x4, 26/11/2024x4, 03/12/2024, 17/12/2024
Great Tit ringed: 21/11/2023, 06/11/2024
                 Pulli ringed: 30/05/2023 box F05A.

Sighting: The Woodpigeons mostly consisted of one flock of around 80 that flew in from the south
and was then disturbed up from fields to the east. 12 Magpies followed each other, mostly in pairs,
over east, probably sorting out territories. A large gathering of Jackdaws flying around over towards
Snelsmore Common probably sorting out pairings. A small group Siskins (about 8 or 9) flew in from
the west followed bythe remainder in one flock. They landed in the small plantation of elder trees.
Some stayed feeding on the seeds for most of the morning.

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