Sunday, 2 March 2025

02/03 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Feeder
Session: 02/03/2025 07:45 to 11:30hrs
The Greenham Feeder
Notes:. A very pleasant morning weather-wise for a change and a visit by the 2025 BBOWT seasonal wardens. For recent times we had a reasonable capture that included a bit of variety from the scrub nets – Goldcrest, Goldfinch amongst others and the feeder provided Greenfinch, Coal Tit and a 2019 (6years+old) Robin, as well as the usual Blue and Great Tits.
Present: JL,IW,RAD,CMD,IQ + CC,EA,ZB - BBOWT seasonal wardens
Weather: bright, sunny, clear, cool, calm.
Nets: 2x6M nets, one each side of feeder, plus 3x12M scrub nets up from 08:00 to 10:10hrs.
Lures (Feeder):, Niger, Sunflower Hearts, Peanuts.
Blue Tit ringed: 03/11/2019,13/11/2022, 31/03/2024, 13/10/2024, 16/02/2025
Bullfinch ringed: 13/10/2024
Coal Tit ringed: 02/02/2025
Goldcrest ringed: 13/10/2024
Great Tit ringed: 29/10/2023, 28/01/2024, 13/10/2024x3, 10/11/2024
Robin ringed: 24/01/2019.

Sightings: Not much moving about and probably because it was calm no Woodlark song heard. A Marsh Tit was calling near the feeder at nets up but didn't stay unfortunately.

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