Location: Greenham
Common 616 Feeder.
Session: 04-Jan-2015 07:30 to
Weather: Colder than forecast
below freezing for much of the morning, calm, foggy and low cloud.
Nets: 4 nets rides 40’,
60’+40’, 40’, 30’ total 210' up from 08:00 to 11:00hrs.
Lure: 3 Nyger feeders,
Black Sunflower, Peanut and Mixed Seed Feeders.
Capture: 59 Blackbird 1/0,
Blue Tit 5/23, Bullfinch 1/0, Coal Tit 0/2, Goldcrest 1/0, Goldfinch 6/3,
Great Spotted Woodpecker 1/1, Great Tit 4/10, Greenfinch 1/0
Recaptures: 4y 107days CT, 4y
51days GS, BT, 3y 83days BT, 2y 106days BT, 1y 321days GT,
1y 278days GT, 1y 129days GT,1y 62days BT, 1y 55days BT(3), 1y 48days BT, 364days,BT, 350days BT(2), 314days GT(2), 308days CT, GT, 301days GT
1y 278days GT, 1y 129days GT,1y 62days BT, 1y 55days BT(3), 1y 48days BT, 364days,BT, 350days BT(2), 314days GT(2), 308days CT, GT, 301days GT
Age Range: Adults BT 50%, GT 79%, CT 2,
GO 2, GS 1
Notes: Very much colder than
expected with the nets turning white on occasions, requiring net rounds to be
almost continuous; not long enough between for the 10+ flock of Greenfinch to
settle. Fewer birds about generally and difficult to see in the fog and poor
light. A kestrel sitting on the middle flood light for a while watching the birds coming
to the feeder gave hope of an interesting capture.
Sightings: 29 species
Blackbird 6+
Blue Tit 35
Bullfinch 3
Canada Goose 12
Carrion Crow 1
Carrion Crow 6
Chaffinch 6+
Coal Tit 4
Dunnock 3+
Goldcrest 2
Goldfinch 25+
Great Spotted Woodpecker 3
Great Tit 20
Greenfinch 12+
Grey Wagtail 1
Jackdaw 2
Jackdaw 3
Kestrel 1
Magpie 1
Mute Swan 5
Pheasant 1
Wagtail 1
Redwing 6+
Robin 4
Siskin 2+
Song Thrush 1
Total number of species 22
Woodpigeon 5+
Wren 1