Location: Greenham
Common 616 Feeder
Session: Weather:
Sparrowhawk 2nd Winter Male 08-Feb-2015
Notes: The birds mostly held
back from the feeders while nets up, one or two bounced or dodged over the
nets. Once nets down many appeared and fed. The sparrowhawk lurking in the
bushes and subsequent found in one of the nets and a visit from a kestrel may have
accounted for the lack of activity for some of the time. Sparrowhawk a nice
second winter male; bronze fringes on medium coverts and some rump feathers
Blackbird 4
Black-headed Gull 5
Blue Tit 20+
Canada Goose 2+
Carrion Crow 4
Chaffinch 11
Coal Tit 1+
Dunnock 5
Feral Pigeon 1
Goldcrest 2
Golden Plover 23
Goldfinch 14
Great Spotted Woodpecker 2
Great Tit 10+
Green Woodpecker 2
Greenfinch 7
Jackdaw 11
Kestrel 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull 3
Magpie 4
Marsh Tit 1
Mistle Thrush 1
Mute Swan 3
Red Kite 2
Robin 8
Song Thrush 2
Sparrowhawk 2
Stock Dove 1
Woodlark 2
Woodpigeon 15+
Wren 1