Tuesday, 7 April 2015

07/04 Greenham Common Western Enclosure

Location: Greenham Common Western Enclosure
Session: 07-Apr-2015 07:15 to 11:30
Weather: Fog early clearing to bright sunshine and occasional light breeze.
Present: JL, IW
Nets: 5 nets: 4x60’ and a 40 (280’ total)’ up from 07:30 to 11:00 hrs
Lure: FC, CC, BC, GC audio late in session; desperation really and had no effect as far as could be seen on the chiffs in the surrounding woodland who carried on singing regardless.
Capture 3: Blackbird 1/0, Robin 1/0, Stonechat 0/1
Recaptures: Stonechat 1y 265days
Age Range: (1st Winter) Robin 1 Blackbird 1

Adult male Stonechat captured 16-Jul-2013
The same bird captured today (07-Apr-2015)
With the brown margins to feather, particularly on the head, thought it was a 1st winter; should have checked more carefully; ignored the ring number.
Notes: A Woodlark perched on a top shelf string early; two blackbirds flew parallel to the nets on several occasions. Thought I was going to draw a blank, nearly took the nets down at 10:30 but decided to keep nets up until 11:00. Good job I waited, all three bird captured at 10:55. So a better total than last Friday 27/03 when a recaptured Blue Tit was the grand total for the same effort. The group has only two previous retraps of a Stonechat before of a total of 49/2 captured since 1967. 
The capture of a ringed Stonechat complicates what was thought to be a stable situation. Territories seem to have settled down to a pair including a ringed female west of the compound and a pair both ringed to the east. On Monday the pair west of the compound were joined by a dark male looking a bit continental and the eastern pair were illusive. During the morning (07-Jul) the pair west of the compound could be seen nest building and the lone dark male sang in the extreme west of the gorse area. To  the east a singing male could be seen and it was not ringed. When the ringed male was captured we thought it to be the bird singing in the east and we had not seen the ring but while we were processing the capture all three males were singing.

Sightings  27 Species: It was quiet here compared to yesterday when 8+ Wheatear was the highlight; maximum count west from the pickle factory. Three swallows through east mid-session and the lone Lesser Redpoll the only birds of note today and Ian had a blackcap in the car park (not listed)
Blue Tit 5
Buzzard 2
Canada Goose 2
Carrion Crow 2
Chaffinch 1
Chiffchaff 4
Coal Tit 1
Dunnock 3
Green Woodpecker 1
Greenfinch 5
Grey Heron 1
Jackdaw 9
Jay 2
Kestrel 1

Lesser Redpoll 1
Linnet 5
Magpie 7
Pheasant 1
Red Kite 2
Robin 3
Song Thrush 1
Stock Dove 2
Stonechat 5
Swallow 3
Woodlark 4
Woodpigeon 10
Wren 2