Monday 25 October 2021

25/10 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Western Enclosure Week 43
Session: 25/10/2021, 07:50 to 10:50hrs
Notes: The Redwing flocks seemed more interested in the audio than those over in the last three weeks, many swooping low over the enclosure. At least three a bit too low. According to last nights radar there was a big movement of birds from the continent across the north sea to the UK. Goldcrest numbers are well below past years weekly totals, hopefully the movement includes some of these for us to ring in the next few days.
Todays Chiffchaff (1st Calendar Year) with greyish plumage and a stronger than usual eye stripe. It was quite long winged for a Chiffchaff at 65mm. The wing formula checked out except the second primary point was shorter than usual, between primaries 8 and 9 instead of the usual 7 and 8, p2=p8/9 is not unusual for Chiffchaffs here though.
Present: JL,IW
Weather: Light south-westerly breeze, overcast clearing to sunny periods, cool
Nets: 48metres in 3 rides of 18M, 18M, 12M up from 08:00 to 10:30hrs
Lures Audio:  BC-CC-FC-GC, Yellow-browed Warbler, BR-LR-SK, FF-RE


Sightings: Another Redwing movement mostly going southwest after pausing for the audio and in smaller flocks than the first waves through this autumn. Just a couple of lone Fieldfares hopefully the main influx is yet to come. The female Sparrowhawk was about again, seems to have taken up residence in the wood; the only bird of prey seen during the session.

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