Friday 8 July 2022

08/07 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Western Enclosure (wk27)
Session: 08/07/2022 07:40 to 10:45hrs
Notes. Mostly juveniles again this session, no Willow Warbler about though, pulled a few Swallow and House Martin in but none low enough to capture.
Present: JL,IW
Weather: bright sunny clear, light breeze, hot
Nets: 48metres 3 Rides, 18M, 18M and 12M up  from 08:00 to 10:30 hrs
Lures: Warblers, Misc Migrants, Hirundine, Redstart intermittently.

Recaptures:(00) none

Sightings: Some Butterflies on the wing including the first Grayling of the year. Had a brief sighting of a Fox that had come across the heath. Manage to extract an Emperor Dragonfly out of the net unharmed. Usual bird species about, notable that crows are scarce and quiet around the enclosure this week.

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