Saturday 1 June 2024

01/06 Thatcham Marsh LNR

 Location: Thatcham March LNR CES v 2024.04.
Session: 01/06/2024 05:55 to 11:25
Notes: Another disappointing session with comparatively few birds on the reed bed, the capture was again lower than expected. But, looking at last year matching visit, numbers are similar, so perhaps our memories are not correct, at least for recent times. The weather was also disappointing and did not follow the forecast - relatively calm, sunny, warmish and the strong breeze probably affected the capture; the nets were blowing about a lot. The ride has still to dry out which make walking along it difficult, also the foliage is collapsing on to the ride in places when doesn’t help. Insect activity was low, no dragon/damsel flies or butterflies detected, and the sticky fly trap had few micro-flies etc stuck to it. Nice to have a visit from KMB, on her way to Skokholm as an assistant for the season after a trip to Portugal ringing petrels for few days.
Weather: cloudy with sunny periods, cool, strong breeze for most of the morning.
Nets: 198metres in one reed bed ride and up from 06:30 to 10:30hrs
Lures: None
Blackbird            ringed: 27/03/2022.
Reed Warbler    ringed: 29/05/2022, 03/06/2023, 11/06/2023, 04/05/2024x4, 11/05/2024.
Sedge Warbler  ringed: 04/05/2024x2, 19/05/2024.

Several of us missed the Hobby which flashed through before we could turn to see it. The Cuckoo flew through a couple of times taking little interest in the reed bed. The only other notable being no Dunnock seen or heard!

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