Sunday 9 June 2024

09/06 Thatcham Marsh LNR

Location: Thatcham March LNR CES v 2024.05.
Session: 09/06/2024 06:00 to 11:25
Notes: Still low numbers with few birds venturing out onto the reed bed and few acrocephalus warblers in residence. It seems, perhaps in the heavy rains of April into May migrants, many kept moving through rather than staying. The Titchfield Haven Reed Warbler (see recaptures) has been a summer resident here every year since it was first recaptured 23/05/2021. Last year’s matching visit picked up many recently fledge birds. This session we ringed two, a Great Tit and a recently out of the nest Garden Warbler. The were some tits calling in the scrub that sounded like juveniles. The fly-trap was covered in small flies and a ladybird all probably encouraged out by the warm weather.
Present: JL,IW,JHW,DL.
Weather: bright, sunny, clouding over late in session, calm early, breezy later, warm.
Nets: 198metres in one reed bed ride and up from 06:30 to 10:30hrs
Lures: None

Blackbird            ringed: 11/04/2021.
Cetti’s Warbler   ringed: 30/04/2023.
Reed Warbler    ringed: 08/08/2020-(Titchfield Haven NR), 11/06/2023, 04/05/2024x2, 19/05/2024, 01/06/2024.
Sedge Warbler  ringed: 04/05/2024x2.
Wren                   ringed: 01/08/2021, 15/10/2023.

Sighting: A few Swift over and about most of the session and the warmth brought out a few
insects. A Water Rail was anxiously calling rather than “squealing” perhaps indicating to chicks

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