Sunday 14 July 2024

14/07 Thatcham Marsh LNR

Location: Thatcham March LNR CES v 2024.08.
Session: 14/07/2024 06:00 to 11:00
Notes: By this year’s standards a good session today, over half of the birds processed being Reed Warbler, many of them adults, some probably moving through heading towards the coast while others appeared to be still breeding. It was nice to have some Sedge Warblers to ring, all new birds. As we have seen at Greenham Common, Blackcaps are also dispersing from their breeding areas ready to head to wintering areas. The fly-trap was busy and, the weather conditions were good for a change.
Present: JL,IW,JHW,DL,IQ.
Weather: clear bright sunny some cloud late in session, calm, warm.
Nets: 198metres in one reed bed ride and up from 06:30 to 10:30hrs
Lures: None 
Dunnock             ringed: 24/06/2023.
Reed Warbler    ringed: 03/07/2022, 11/06/2023x2,  02/07/2023, 04/05/2024.
Robin                  ringed: 30/06/2024

Sighting: A few swifts over probably more, high up in the blue. A Kingfisher flew through, not often
seen here in recent years, there was a time when we ringed a few here each year. A flock of about
15 Lawing flying west, another species no longer seen in the numbers it once was. An immature
Common Frog got some interest. We took about four Brown Hawkers out of the nets at the end of
the session, they give quite a nip but fortunately not strong enough to break the skin. The sunshine
encourage several butterflies out on the wing. It never ceases to surprise me the activities that go
on unnoticed. We got taking to a chap who appeared to be heading for the fishing lakes, turned out
he was going to retrieve his moth traps, one from our reed bed net ride that we had not noticed
when we put the nets up and one from just behind our ringing station.

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