Sunday 4 August 2024

04/08 Thatcham Marsh LNR

Location: Thatcham March LNR CES v 2024.10.
Session: 04/08/2024 06:00 to 11:00
Notes: The first round included three Long-tailed Tit all in full wing mount which meant juveniles could not be separated from adults since unlike many passerines both have a full moult this time of year. The three plus year old Cetti’s Warbler was also in primary moult as was the adult Chiffchaff. It felt a bit chilly early unlike the last few relatively hot days, perhaps even a bit autumnal. We missed ringing any of a relatively large flock of mostly tits that flew through mid-session. LC bought down two visitors mid-session to see the ringing.  The fly trap had only one or two flies due presumably to the cooler weather. Just two CES visits to go.

A Chiffchaff ringed here 07/08/2022, was re-trapped at The Rutland Water Bird Fair 11/07/2024, LC it seems had written its details in the field log for the ringers at the time.

Present: JHW,IW,JL,DL.
Weather: overcast some bright periods, calm, cool.
Nets: 198metres in one reed bed ride up from 06:30 to 10:30hrs
Lures: None

Cetti’s Warbler   ringed: 17/04/2022.
Chiffchaff            ringed: 04/05/2024
Dunnock             ringed: 21/07/2024
Reed Warbler    ringed: 14/07/2024, 21/07/2024, 28/07/2024x2.

Sighting: Green Sandpiper over and Kingfisher through early. Quite a lot of duck activity over and
about and still a few Swifts, most (all)  will have gone by the end of this week. Butterfly numbers
down this session mostly due to the cooler weather but also the “flower meadow” has been cut.

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