Wednesday, 30 October 2024

29/10 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common - Western Enclosure wk44
Session: 29/10/2024 07:45 to 11:00hrs
Notes: a normal session for the time year except more Blue Tits here than at the Greenham Feeder last Sunday. We checked the Chiffchaff carefully, it look much yellower in the hand than the birds we normally ring and the photo doesn’t reflect how yellow it was, but the wing formula etc was as for Chiffchaff. It was quite long winged though, normal range here is 55 to 62mm this one was 65. And, a Redwing stayed in the net until we got to it for change.
Present: JL,IW.
Weather: cloudy with sunny periods late in session, calm light breeze later, warm
Nets: 48metres 3 Rides, up from 08:00 to 10:30 hrs.

Lures audio: (BC-CC-FC-GC), (FF-RE), (YB-RT-FC-GC-YB) intermittently.

Recaptures: (00)

Sightings: Most of the Woodpigeon were flying north, A few groups of Redwing flew in then off again towards the southern tree margins. One large flock of Jackdaws out from the bunkers contributed to most of the 143+ count.

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