Sunday, 27 October 2024

27/10 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common 616 Feeder
Session: 27/10/2024 07:45 to 11:30hrs
Notes: We thought we would get a bit of variety at this feeder, but numbers were disappointing. We thought maybe the attention of sparrowhawks at the feeder might have put birds off, a male was in the net but got free as we approached. However, looking at the 2023 matching visit, today’s numbers are similar including for Great Tit, except what happened to all the Blue Tits! We noticed that we were not catching many, but 4 is very different to the 43 of last year’s matching visit and at all our feeders Blue Tit usually dominate!
Present: JL,IW,JHW,DL,IQ,LC.
Weather: bright, sunny, clear, warm, calm.
Nets: 2x3M feeder nets + 3 rides of 12, 12, 10m scrub nets.
           (Audio): BC,CC,GC,FC,RT,RE,FF,YB intermittently at the scrub nets.
Blue  Tit              ringed: 22/10/2023.
Coal Tit               ringed: 13/10/2024
Dunnock             ringed: 14/01/2024          
Great Tit             ringed: 12/03/2023, 13/10/2024x2.

Sighting: Birds of prey soaring in thermals except for the Kestrels, both males, which flew through
east. Only three Redwings who took a fleeting interest in the audio. The Woodpigeons were mostly
in a largish flock that flew SSW mid-session. We were hoping for a few crest but only one Goldcrest
ringed  that was called in by the audio. Some chap came up to the common and released, he said,
“Harvest Mouse” trapped at his residence, probably a Wood Mouse. The hairstreak was flying
round the birch trees near the museum building entrance possibly a late hatchling brought out by
the warm sunny day. Their normal flight period is August into October.

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