Location: Greenham
Common 616 Feeder
Session: 30-Nov-2014 07:30 to
Weather: Low mist, overcast,
sunny later cool calm
Present: JL, IW, DL, JPM, JHW
Nets: Five rides consisting
of 60’+40’, 40’, 30’, 40’, 40’ up from 08:00 to 11:00hrs
Lure: Feeders: niger, fat
balls, black sunflower hearts, mixed seed, peanuts; Audio: Redwing song
Capture: 91; Blue Tit 13&23, Bullfinch 4, Chaffinch 1, Coal Tit
0&1, Dunnock 2, Goldcrest 0&1, Goldfinch 16, Great Spotted Woodpecker
1&1, Great Tit 4&6, Greenfinch 7, Long-tailed Tit 4&3, Marsh Tit 1,Redwing
2,Wren 1
Blue Tit 3y 44 days, 1y 178 days, 1y 94 days (2), 1y 6 days, 364 days (2), 329
days, 252 days;
Coal Tit 1y 6days;
Long-tailed Tit 1y 257days
Age Range: Adults; Blue Tit 30%;
Coal Tit 1; Goldfinch 19%; Greenfinch 43%; Great Tit 20%
Notes: A good busy morning.
The Redwing song called in several of the few flocks flying over, most sat about
in nearby trees but two more dark birds to the tally . Plenty of Blue Tit and
Goldfinch at the feeder but fewer Greenfinch and Chaffinch disappeared as
usual while the nets were up. We are getting smaller numbers of Great Tit to
date here than at the other feeders. On the sightings front nothing unusual
about ,quiet for the time of year. Two Siskin heard, over calling when topping
up the feeder after the ringing session.
Sightings: Probably not
a true count due to the busy ringing session.
Blackbird 7
Blue Tit 40
Bullfinch 5
Canada Goose 27
Carrion Crow 4
Chaffinch 8
Coal Tit 1
Cormorant 4
Dunnock 5
Fieldfare 6
Goldcrest 4
Goldfinch 40
Great Spotted Woodpecker 5
Great Tit 15
Green Woodpecker 1
Greenfinch 12
Jackdaw 5
Kestrel 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull 9
Linnet 2
Long-tailed Tit 10
Magpie 3
Marsh Tit 1
Mute Swan 5
Pheasant 1
Pied Wagtail (yarrellii) 3
Redwing 44
Robin 6
Siskin 2
Song Thrush 2
Woodpigeon 15
Wren 3
Total Number Species 32