Location: Snelsmore Common
Car Park Feeder
Session: Weather:
Great Tit 1y 363days, 2018 days, 204 days
Great Tit from CP05, D02(Mount Hill)
Others recent
Age Range:
Notes: Not as busy as last
time. A Marsh Tit got out of the net before we could get to it, woodpeckers waited for us
to leave. A steady flow early followed by a relative pause and a flurry of
activity towards the end of the session. Four Gadwall flying over E, a new
species for this site?
Sightings: Species 17
Blackbird 1
Blue Tit 30
Chaffinch 5
Coal Tit 18
Dunnock 1
Gadwall 4
Great Spotted Woodpecker 3
Great Tit 15
Jackdaw 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull 44
Marsh Tit 1
Nuthatch 1
Red Kite 1
Redwing 1
Robin 2
Treecreeper 1
Woodpigeon 1