Sunday 6 October 2024

06/10 Thatcham Marsh LNR

Location: Thatcham March LNR.
Session: 06/10/2024 07:30 to 11:30hrs
Notes: We expected to be rained off sometime during the morning, but the expected (forecast) rain didn’t arrive and still hasn’t at 12:30hrs. The lack of species probably reflects the poor numbers here through the summer. It is unlikely that we will ring the reed bed again this year, hopefully we will have a better year 2025.
Present: JL,JHW,IW,DL,KMB.
Weather: overcast, calm, cool.
Nets: 54metres in one reed bed ride 36m,36m,18m net along ride up from  08:00 to 11:00hrs
Lures (audio): (Warbler), (Misc Migrants),(Thrushes),(YB) intermittently.
Cetti’s Warbler   ringed: 30/04/2023.
Robin                  ringed: 23/06/2024.
Wren                   ringed: 14/07/2024.

Sighting: Water Rail quite vocal this session, at least two “squealing” during the morning  Raven
flew over early, a couple of small flocks of Long-tailed Tits went through, just a single Blackcap
heard. A lone Pheasant, a scarce species at this site this year, probably a refugee from a nearby

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