Wednesday 9 October 2024

09/10 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Western Enclosure wk41
Session: 09/10/2024 07:45 to 11:00hrs
Notes: Just two Blackcap today and no Chiffchaff unlike 2023 when we ringed 16.. A Firecrest was in the net on the first net round but got out as we approached. A Dartford Warbler, looked like a juvenile, was in the enclosure when we did the last full round but avoided the nets.
Present: JL,IW.
Weather: Overcast, calm, cool.
Nets: 48metres 3 Rides, up from 08:00 to 10:30 hrs.
Lures audio: (Warbler), (Misc Migrants), (Thrushes), (YB) intermittently.
Recaptures: (02)
Blue Tit                        ringed: 19/08/2021
Great Tit         ringed: 04/10/2024

Sightings: Swallows flew south mostly singletons. There were several thrushes flying about, many along the tree line to the south, we think they were mostly Song Thrush, but the light was poor, and we couldn’t see enough details to get positive ID’s for most. At least one was a Redwing as IW managed to get a good view of the under-wing. A few finch/pipit flew over again the light level impeded ID. The ducks came up from the Lakes over towards Sandleford.

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