Friday 11 October 2024

11/10 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Western Enclosure wk41
Session: 11/10/2024 07:45 to 11:10hrs
Notes: Two more Blackcap today, and after the no show of the last visit, seven Chiffchaff. Otherwise much as expected including five Goldcrest and some resident species, maybe the Robins were visitors though.
Present: JL,IW.
Weather: bright sunny clear, cold early cool later, calm
Nets: 48metres 3 Rides, up from 08:00 to 10:30 hrs.
Lures audio: (BC,CC,FC,CC), (Misc Migrants), (Thrushes), (YB) intermittently. 

Recaptures: (02)
Blue Tit           ringed: 26/07/2024
Great Tit         ringed: 03/03/2024 (Greenham Common Feeder)

Sightings: There was a passage of Woodpigeon south in small groups, also Black-headed Gulls west in two flocks. Jackdaw were also moving south in numbers, flying over from the north (the usual count is of them flying out from the bunkers but just a few, mostly pairs flew out today). A few mostly finch types but also some thrushes when over unidentified even in today’s good light. One of the Dartford Warblers was singing and displaying in the sun. A butterfly probably a Red Admiral flew over too fast to be sure of ID.

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