Wednesday 19 August 2020

18/07 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Western Enclosure
Session: 18-Aug-2020, 07:30 to 11:00hrs
Notes: The weather this week does not look very promising with storms and windy weather forecast for the next few days. Today looked threatening but no rain materialised. The capture of 15 was wind affected and several birds entered the enclosure but probably bounced out including what looked like a couple of pipits that dropped in from high up. A third Lesser Whitethroat of the year is the quality capture.  
Lesser Whitethroat 1st calendar year
Willow Warbler 1st calendar year

Weather: Mostly overcast low cloud, cool, with a blustery SSW wind.
Nets: 48metres in 3 net rides, two 18M and one 12M net up from 08:00 to 10:30hrs
Lure (Audio): Warblers, Misc Migrants, Redstart, Hirundine intermittently.
Recaptures:(1)        Great Tit ringed 24/08/2018
Sightings 29 Species: A lone Swift over south and a high circling Raven the notable species of the day. Only one Whitethroats detected, a sign that many, probably most, have already left. Swallows are still trickling through, usually in small groups that loitered around the bunker pool to drink. Still no pink starlings in the quite substantial flocks around the common.

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