Sunday 11 September 2022

11/09 Thatcham Marsh LNR

Location: Thatcham Marsh LNR
Session: 11/09/2022 07:00 to 11:10hrs
Notes: Foggy and damp for most of the session. Plenty of Blackcaps again this week and still a few Reed Warblers. We expected more Chiffchaff as there seem to be a several in the nearby scrub, but little response to audio lure. We were joined by Kintbury Wildlife Group for part of the session who were pleased to see Cetti’s Warbler in the hand as well as the other species.
Present: IW,DL,JL,RAD,NC
Weather: overcast low fog/mist clearing at the end of session, calm, cool.
Nets: 198metres in 1 ride, 18Mx11 reed bed ride up from 07:30 to 10:45 hrs
Lures: Warblers, Misc Migrants, Aquatic Warbler, Yellow-browed Warbler,  Redstart, intermittently.

Blue Tit                       ringed: 04/09/2022
Cetti’s Warbler           ringed: 10/07/2022
Long-tailed Tit            ringed: 14/08/2022
Reed Warbler            ringed: 28/08/2022
Wren                          ringed: 28/08/2022

Sightings: Difficult to see overflying birds in the fog/mist so probably missed a few species.

1 comment:

Lesley Staves said...

Thank you all so much for allowing our members of KWG to join you this morning. We were all thrilled to see the birds so close, but also to learn what you do to record the birds you catch and how well they are handled before being released unharmed. This was a great morning out followed by a good walk around the marsh and back along the canal. Thank you all for your patience, information and time.