Tuesday 22 October 2024

22/10 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common - Western Enclosure wk43
Session: 22/10/2024 07:45 to 11:30hrs
Notes: Several flocks of Redwing were called in but almost all perched in scrub to the south of the enclosure. One or two landed in the enclosure scrub but only one netted. The Chiffchaff was quite dark and long winged, we couldn’t make it into anything unusual unfortunately. Goldcrest numbers are increasing as they arrive probably from Europe to winter here.
Present: JL,IW,NC.
Weather: cloud early, a brief period of light rain, clearing to a sunny, cold, calm to breezy later.
Nets: 48metres 3 Rides, up from 08:00 to 10:30 hrs.
Lures audio: (BC-CC-FC-GC), (FF,RE), (YB) intermittently. 
Recaptures: (02)
Goldcrest                    ringed: 04/10/2024.
Robin                          ringed: 30/08/2024

Sightings: Woodpigeons were flying south in groups up to 30 strong for much of the morning. The Lesser Black-backed Gulls also flew south in groups of 4 and 2. The thrushes dropped in, in small-ish groups except mid-morning when a large flock came in that included around 40 Fieldfare. The number of Redwings is an underestimate as it was difficult to be sure some were not the same birds flying around. Still having trouble identifying silent little brown jobs (finches) flying over against the light! Some nice views of a soaring male Sparrowhawk wrapped up the session. The Red Admiral was flying by the gate as I exited the common so not really part of the session.

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