Tuesday 13 July 2021

13/07 Greenham Common

Location: Greenham Common Western Enclosure Week 28
Session: 13/07/2021, 07:05 to 10:50hrs
Notes: First reasonable day for ringing since Friday 9th. We had one surge of 10+ through at about 09:30hrs. Interestingly the three Willow Warblers ringed were all adults in the later stages of ending their moult, usually the majority are juveniles. This year so far just five of the 14 ringed are juveniles. From now Willow Warblers and Garden Warbler number should begin to build for the next few weeks into August. The weather is looking to improve to the end of the weekend so we should be able to get a few sessions in.
Present: JL,IW
Weather: overcast, warm, light breeze, sunny periods later.
Nets: 48metres in 3 rides of 18M, 18M, 12M up from 07:45 to 10:30hrs
Lures Audio: Warblers and Misc Migrants, Hirundine, Redstart


Robin             ringed: 09/07/2021

Sightings 29 species: The Dartford Warbler was very vocal this morning. Fewer Jackdaws than usual flying out from the bunkers. A family party of six Swallows fed for a while over the heath, not taking much notice of the audio. As usual the Swifts were notice when looking at more visible high-flyers; so probably more than the four counted. The Common Tern was spotted just as it was about to disappear below the treeline. No Magpies detected today!

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